Capacity Building

The World Environment Center oversees a range of capacity building initiatives that advance sustainability, including: improving energy efficiency; reducing the use of water and other natural resources; enhancing environmental, health and safety performance; reducing chemical risks; investing in social capital; and preparing business leaders for a sustainable future.

The goal of WEC’s capacity building initiatives is to plan and achieve concrete, measurable results that contribute to both business and society and assist participating companies in becoming more competitive. This approach to capacity building emphasizes the development of cooperative relationships with business partners, government agencies, communities, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders.

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Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

World Environment Center Launches “Power to Grow: The Innovation Challenge Fueled by La Red de Innovación e Impacto,” a U.S. Department of State Program to Support Micro-Enterprises in Central America
The U.S. Department of State, World Environment Center (WEC), Le Groupe-conseil baastel Itée (Baastel), and RioSlum Studio are proud to announce the opening of applications for “Power to Grow: The Innovation Challenge Fueled by La Red de Innovación e Impacto” (Power to Grow). Power to Grow is a search to discover and reward organizations that are empowering micro-enterprises in Central America.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

WEC and DFGE Expand Their Partnership to Foster Transparent CSR Information
World Environment Center (WEC) and DFGE Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy will expand their cooperation to help organizations to better integrate Sustainability Intelligence into companies’ daily business from a corporate as well as from a global perspective. First outcome of the partnership will be another webinar in March 2018 addressing "Climate-related Disclosures and Investment Decisions".

Events, Media & Communications

El Ministerio de Medio Ambiente de Alemania otorga a WEC Europe y El instituzo para Sostenibildad una importante subvención para avanzar en la gestión de la sostenibilidad empresarial en América Latina
El Ministerio alemán de Medio Ambiente, Conservación de la Naturaleza, Construcción y Seguridad Nuclear (BMUB) ha otorgado al World Environment Centre Europe (WEC Europe) y al Instituto para la Sostenibilidad una subvención para difundir las mejores prácticas en gestión de sostenibilidad corporativa en Chile y México. Los principales dirigentes de Compañías líderes alemanas y líderes internacionales de pensamiento participarán en mesas redondas para discutir la propuesta de valor de la sostenibilidad, la innovación en la cadena de valor, la integración de estrategias y las buenas prácticas en toda la empresa.

Events, Media & Communications

Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit unterstützt Projekt „Förderung von Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement in Lateinamerika“ durch WEC Europe und Institute for Sustainability
Das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB) fördert ein Projekt des World Environment Center Europe (WEC Europe) und des Institute for Sustainability zur Verbreitung aktueller Standards unternehmerischer Nachhaltigkeit in Chile und Mexiko. Vertreter führender deutscher Unternehmen und weitere internationale Experten werden in mehreren Workshops die Vorteile einer nachhaltigen Unternehmensführung diskutieren, deren Auswirkung auf Innovationen in der Wertschöpfungskette sowie die praktische Verschmelzung von Nachhaltigkeitszielen mit der Unternehmensstrategie.

Events, Media & Communications

German Environment Ministry Awards WEC Europe and The Institute for Sustainability a Major Grant to Advance Corporate Sustainability Management in Latin America
The German Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) has awarded the World Environment Center Europe (WEC Europe) and the Institute for Sustainability a grant to disseminate best practices in corporate sustainability management in Chile and Mexico. Leading German company executives and international thought leaders will participate in peer-to-peer roundtables to discuss the sustainability’s value proposition, value chain innovation and integration of strategy and practices across the enterprise.


World Environment Center Expande “La Red de Innovación e Impacto”, Programa del Departamento de Estado de los EEUU para Innovadores en América Latina
El Departamento de Estado de los EEUU ha otorgado al World Environment Center (WEC) y su socio, Le Groupe-conseil baastel ltée (Baastel), financiamiento adicional para apoyar la innovación y sustentabilidad local en América Latina. El programa actual, conocido como La Red de Innovación and Impacto (La Red), que se estableció en el año 2014, es una colección de 30 soluciones innovadoras de 11 países de la región.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

World Environment Center Expands U.S. Department of State “La Red de Innovacion e Impacto Innovators’ Program in Latin America
The U.S. Department of State has awarded the World Environment Center (WEC) and its partner, Le Groupe-conseil baastel ltée (Baastel), additional funding to grow innovative, sustainable local organizations in Latin America. The current program, known as La Red de Innovacion and Impacto (La Red), established in 2014, is a collection of 30 such innovative solutions from 11 nations across the region.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Better World Leadership: Noted Business Author Alice Korngold to Partner with the World Environment Center to Conduct Nonprofit Board Leadership Study with Leading Companies
Alice Korngold, President and CEO of Korngold Consulting, and author of two highly acclaimed books on board governance, service, and global problem-solving, is evaluating how nonprofit board service provides a unique opportunity for companies to develop their employees as leaders. The study will also show how companies can enhance nonprofit board-matching services for their employees.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

La Red de Pathways Challenge Selects 8 Awardees to Scale Innovative Solutions to Support Small Businesses in Latin America
The World Environment Center (WEC) is pleased to announce the awarding of approximately $640,000 to eight of the most innovative solutions to sustainably growing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Latin America.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

La Red de Pathways Challenge Premia a 8 Organizaciones para Escalar Soluciones Innovadoras que Apoyan a las Pequeñas Empresas en Latinoamérica
El World Environment Center (WEC) se complace en anunciar la adjudicación de aproximadamente USD 640.000 a ocho de las soluciones más innovadoras en el crecimiento sostenible de Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (PYMEs) en América Latina.

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