IBM 2015 Corporate Responsiblity Report

Welcome to IBM's 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report. In this report, we detail the many ways in which IBM contributes our time, technology and expertise toward making the world a better place.

IBM has been in business for 105 years, a length of time that speaks to the sustainability of our business practices and to our ability to transform ourselves as markets and industries change. Our definition of corporate responsibility includes such diverse aspects as environmental responsibility; social responsibility to our workforce, clients and business partners; innovation to address critical societal needs in the communities in which we operate; and a culture of ethics and integrity — guided by a rigorous system of corporate governance — that promotes transparency on a global basis.

At IBM, corporate responsibility is about demonstrating what we believe in through the actions we take, the examples we set and the priorities that guide us. In this report, you will see what this looks like in practice — how we integrate both our citizenship and business strategies, driving systemic societal transformation across every dimension of our engagement with civil society.

About the IBM Corporate Responsibility Report:

       Communities - We strive to support and improve the communities in which we live and work.

       The IBMer - Our success is predicated on the personal and professional growth of our employees.

       Environment - Our commitment to environmental protection spans all our business activities worldwide. 

       Supply Chain – We required social and environmental responsibility throughout our supply chain.

       Governance – IBM maintains a rigorous, comprehensive and adaptable system of corporate governance.

See examples not just in programs, but in the passion and innovation of individuals in our 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report.

NEW! Check out IBM's new Corporate Responsibility website.



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Content from this campaign

Innovation & Technology

After ‘Jeopardy,’ Next Target for IBM’s Watson? Third-Grade Math

Innovation & Technology

IBM SAFETY-NET: IBM Bolsters Social Services Sector With Technology Grants
IBM (NYSE: IBM) is kicking off an $18 million grant program to put no-cost cloud hosting, customizable software, and consulting services into the hands of not-for-profit social service agencies that qualify.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Ask Not What Your Company Can Do For You
Private-sector pro bono service has become a defining characteristic of effective strategies for leadership & skills development, and retention of top talent. A leader in this space, IBM's Corporate Service Corps recently partnered with the Peace Corps on critical projects in sub-Saharan Africa. In USA Today, Peace Corps Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet and IBM Foundation President Stanley Litow share their perspective on the values and rewards of global service.


NY Daily News: To Fix Our Schools, Build On P-TECH
The U.S. House of Representatives' overwhelming bipartisan vote to reauthorize the Perkins Act (which funds Career and Technical Education) signals to the Senate that education reform must top the national agenda.

Innovation & Technology

IBM Grant Helps Stop Hunger Now Develop Strategic IT Vision
Technology can play a critical role in a nonprofit organization’s ability to raise awareness for its cause, inspire and attract staff and volunteers, and serve its constituents. In Citizen IBM, the President & CEO of Stop Hunger Now writes about how an IBM Impact Grant helped his organization develop a strategic roadmap for its technology solutions and services. Read the full story here.


Rethinking Pathways to Prosperity
Across the political spectrum, there is wide agreement that strengthening career and technical education is key to improving economic and social mobility.

Innovation & Technology

Watson Tackles Youth Unemployment
How long and why do young people stay unemployed after entering the labor market? And what actions are the most effective to help them find a job quicker?

Health & Healthcare

IBM Health Corps Grant Winners Focus on Infections and Health Disparities
Forbes Contributor, Judy Stone, provides details on how the first five IBM Health Corps grant recipients plan to fight cancer, infectious diseases and health disparities. Grant awarded to American Cancer Society’s, RAD-AID, Taiwan⁠’s Centers for Disease Control, Gorgas Memorial Institute and Duke University.

Health & Healthcare

IBM Intensifies Fight Against Zika
IBM announced that it is committing powerful resources, technology and pro bono expertise to help scientists, the public health community, and humanitarian agencies in the fight against the Zika virus.

Innovation & Technology

IBM Smarter Cities Challenge: Making 911 Smarter, Safer and Cheaper
Check out this story about how an IBM Smarter Cities Challenge team is having a direct impact on the lives and welfare of Memphis' residents, in addition to helping the city conserve needed funds. As with many cities, Memphis emergency services (EMS) scramble equipment and trained personnel in response to an increasing number of non-emergency calls.

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